Who is In Charge of Cleaning up the Mess?

Domestic services managers make sure that large residences such as hospitals, universities and colleges, residential homes, schools and hotels are clean and well maintained. The title of the job varies depending on where it takes place. They are known as housekeepers in the hotel industry and domestic bursars in university halls of residence. The duties […]

Follow These Tips for Successful Management Failure

The profit margins in the hospitality industry remain quite low so every manager needs every edge he or she can muster to stay ahead of the competition. As a manager, you probably get helpful newsletters and magazines describing ways to spot “bad” employees. However, do you know the warning signs that will provide you indications […]

Sometimes It’s the Amenities Making a Difference

There are a ton of little pieces of knowledge and insight students of hospitality management have to learn before they can successfully execute real-world employment duties. However, the plain and unadulterated goal for all of the hospitality industry is to give guests what they want. Finding out just what it is that visitors to your […]